Advice For Homeowners Looking To Sell A House With Code Violations In Parker, CO

Selling a house with code violations in Parker, Colorado can present unique challenges. Code violations can range from minor issues like overgrown landscaping to more serious structural concerns. It’s important to address these violations before listing the property to ensure a smooth and successful sale. Here is a guide on how to navigate the process of selling a house with code violations:

  1. Assess the Violations: Start by identifying and understanding the code violations affecting your property. Conduct a thorough inspection or hire a professional inspector to identify any violations. Categorize them based on severity and prioritize the necessary repairs or corrections.
  2. Consult with Local Authorities: Contact the appropriate local authorities, such as the Parker Code Enforcement Department, to get detailed information about the violations and the steps required to rectify them. Understand the specific codes and regulations relevant to your property.
  3. Obtain Permits: If the code violations require repairs or modifications, check if permits are needed for the work. Contact the relevant permitting authority to obtain the necessary permits. Working without proper permits can lead to further complications and delays in the selling process.
  4. Hire Professionals: Engage qualified contractors, architects, or engineers to address the code violations. They can help you develop a plan of action, estimate the costs involved, and execute the necessary repairs or improvements. Ensure that the professionals you hire have experience in dealing with code violations and can provide the required documentation.
  5. Budget and Timeline: Create a budget for the repairs or modifications needed to bring the property into compliance. Consider the impact on your selling timeline and factor in any additional time required for inspections, permits, and completion of the work. Having a clear budget and timeline will help you set realistic expectations for potential buyers.
  6. Disclose the Violations: When listing your property, disclose the code violations to potential buyers. Provide accurate and detailed information about the violations, the steps taken to address them, and any permits obtained. Being transparent will build trust and ensure a smooth transaction.
  7. Price the Property Accordingly: Understand that code violations may impact the value of your property. Consider obtaining a professional appraisal to assess the property’s current market value, factoring in the repairs or improvements needed to bring it into compliance. Price the property accordingly to attract buyers who are willing to invest in the necessary repairs.
  8. Seek Legal Advice: Consult with a real estate attorney who specializes in code violations and compliance to ensure you are following all legal requirements. They can guide you through the process, review contracts, and address any legal concerns that may arise.
  9. Explore Cash Buyers or Investors: Selling to cash buyers or investors who specialize in properties with code violations can be an alternative option. These buyers are often experienced in handling properties with issues and may be more willing to take on the necessary repairs or modifications.
  10. Work with a Real Estate Agent: Partner with a local real estate agent who has experience in selling properties with code violations. They can provide valuable insights, market the property effectively, and help you navigate negotiations with potential buyers.

Selling a house with code violations in Parker, Colorado requires diligence, patience, and compliance with local regulations. By addressing the violations, being transparent with potential buyers, and seeking professional guidance, you can successfully sell your property and ensure a smooth transaction.

Learn how to sell a house with code violations in Colorado. Follow these steps to fix violations, disclose them and price your home right.

How to Sell a House in Colorado with Code Violations

Are you considering selling your house in Colorado, but it has code violations? Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

Many homeowners face this issue, and it can be overwhelming to navigate the process of resolving these violations before putting your property on the market. In this article, we’ll take you through the steps to sell a house with code violations in Colorado, so you can do so confidently and successfully.

Brief Explanation of Code Violations

Before diving into the steps to selling a house with code violations in Colorado, it’s essential to understand what code violations are and why they matter. Building codes are regulations created by local or state authorities that establish minimum standards for construction, building materials, and safety features.

The purpose of building codes is to protect public health and safety. A code violation occurs when a property owner fails to meet one or more of these standards.

Common examples of code violations include electrical hazards, structural defects, plumbing issues, mold growth, and more. It’s important to note that some municipalities may also have specific regulations that go beyond statewide building codes.

The Importance of Addressing Code Violations Before Selling a House

If your property has code violations that haven’t been resolved before listing it for sale, it could lead to significant problems down the line. For one thing, buyers will almost certainly notice any major issues during inspections or walkthroughs – leading them either to walk away from the deal entirely or use it as leverage for negotiation.

Moreover, if you’re aware of any unresolved code violations when listing your property without disclosing them upfront can result in legal issues later on if buyers discover them after closing. This could lead to costly lawsuits or even criminal charges if there were issues that posed a safety risk for occupants.

Overview of the Steps to Sell a House with Code Violations in Colorado

Now that we’ve established what code violations are and why they’re essential to resolve before selling a property, let’s go over the steps you’ll need to take to sell your house in Colorado with code violations:

  1. Identify the Code Violations: This involves conducting an inspection of your property or hiring a professional inspector. You’ll also need to obtain copies of any notices or citations from local authorities related to code violations.
  1. Address the Code Violations: Hire licensed contractors who can fix any issues that violate building codes. You’ll also need to obtain permits and inspections to ensure all repairs are up to code, and keep records of all repairs and inspections.
  1. Disclose Code Violations in Listing: Be transparent about any past or current code violations in the listing description. Provide documentation that shows all necessary repairs have been made.
  1. Price Your House Appropriately: Set a realistic price based on the market value and the condition of the property after repairs. Consider offering incentives such as paying for closing costs or providing a home warranty.
  1. Market Your Home Effectively: Use professional photos and virtual tours to showcase your property’s best features. Highlight any upgrades or renovations you’ve made recently, and emphasize its strengths despite past code violations.

In the following sections, we’ll take an in-depth look at each step, so you can sell your house with confidence even with existing code violations.

Step 1: Identify the Code Violations

Conduct an inspection or hire a professional inspector

Before selling a house with code violations, it is important to identify all of the issues that need to be addressed. One of the best ways to do this is to conduct a thorough inspection of the property or hire a professional inspector. An inspection can reveal issues that may not be immediately apparent, such as hidden water damage or electrical problems.

During an inspection, the inspector will evaluate the property and look for any code violations. They will examine everything from the electrical system and plumbing to the roof and foundation.

If they find any issues, they will document them in a report along with recommendations on how to fix them. It is important to note that not all inspectors are created equal.

When hiring an inspector, it is important to do your research and choose someone who is licensed and experienced in identifying code violations. You can check their credentials online or ask for references from past clients.

Obtain copies of any notices or citations from local authorities

If your property has received notices or citations from local authorities, it is important to obtain copies of these documents before listing your home for sale. Notices and citations can provide valuable information about what specific code violations exist on your property, as well as what actions need to be taken in order to address them. The first step in obtaining copies of these documents is identifying which agency issued them.

This could include anything from local building departments or health departments, depending on the nature of the violation. Once you have identified which agency issued the notice or citation, you should contact them directly and request a copy of the document(s).

Be prepared with all relevant information about your property including its address and any reference numbers associated with previous inspections or complaints. It’s also worth noting that some municipalities require sellers to disclose whether their property has received any notices or citations for code violations in the past.

By obtaining copies of these documents ahead of time, you can ensure that you are fully informed and prepared to disclose any necessary information about your property’s history. Identifying code violations is an essential first step in selling a house with code violations in Colorado.

Conducting an inspection or hiring a professional inspector can help to identify any hidden issues while obtaining copies of notices and citations can provide valuable information about what specific violations exist on your property. By taking these steps, you can gain a better understanding of what needs to be addressed before listing your home for sale.

Step 2: Address the Code Violations

Hire licensed contractors to fix any issues that violate building codes

When it comes to fixing any code violations, it is essential to hire licensed contractors. They have the necessary expertise and knowledge of building codes to ensure that the work is done correctly.

DIY repairs may seem like an economical option, but they can often lead to bigger problems down the road. A licensed contractor will be able to identify underlying issues and provide a solution that is up to code.

Before hiring a contractor, do your research. Look for contractors who are licensed, insured, and have a good reputation in the community.

Get multiple quotes from different contractors and compare them based on price, experience, and reviews. It’s also important to ask for references from previous clients.

Obtain permits and inspections to ensure all repairs are up to code

Once you have hired a contractor, it’s time to obtain permits and inspections for all repairs made on the property. Building permits are necessary for any significant renovation or repair work done in Colorado.

The permit process ensures that all work being done is up-to-code and safe. Inspections are also required in Colorado before selling your home with existing code violations or after repairing them.

Inspectors verify if your house meets safety standards concerning plumbing systems, fire hazards, and electrical systems compliance with zoning laws among other factors. Additionally, inspectors carry out more specialized checks when needed or if there were complaints against specific installations within your house such as; septic tanks or wells among others.

Keep records of all repairs and inspections

It’s essential you keep accurate records of every repair made by a licensed contractor as well as successful completion of permit processing checklists which will be used during an inspection if need be alongside other documents such as titles of ownership amongst others. By keeping proper records, you can prove that the repairs were done correctly and up to the standards set by Colorado’s building codes.

This information will be crucial when disclosing the code violations during listing, closing, or during a legal process. When selling a house with code violations in Colorado, addressing them thoroughly and obtaining permits and inspections are critical tasks.

Working with licensed contractors is equally essential, keep accurate records of all repair work undertaken, including all documentation from any inspections and permits obtained. It’s important to ensure that all work is up to code before moving forward with selling your home.

Step 3: Disclose Code Violations in Listing

Be Transparent About Any Past or Current Code Violations in the Listing Description

When selling a house with code violations, it is important to be upfront and honest about any and all issues that have been identified. This includes both past violations that have been addressed as well as any current violations that have yet to be resolved. Failure to disclose such information can lead to legal problems down the line, so it is best to be as transparent as possible from the start.

When writing your listing description, make sure to include clear language that identifies any code violations that have been identified. For example, you might say something like “This property has experienced several code violations in the past related to electrical wiring and plumbing systems.” Be specific about the types of issues that were found, and provide context for how they were addressed.

It can also be helpful to provide a timeline of when each violation was discovered and what steps were taken to resolve them. This helps potential buyers understand the history of the property and how it has been cared for over time.

Provide Documentation That Shows All Necessary Repairs Have Been Made

In addition to providing a clear description of any past or current code violations, you should also include documentation that shows all necessary repairs have been made. This might include copies of permits issued by local authorities for repair work performed on the property, receipts showing payment for contractor services, and inspection reports verifying that repairs were completed up to code.

By providing this level of detail, you can demonstrate your commitment to ensuring that all code-related issues have been appropriately addressed. Additionally, buyers will appreciate having this information readily available as they decide whether or not they wish to move forward with purchasing your property.

It is important not only to provide documentation but also to keep records on hand in case further questions arise during negotiations. These records can help to further demonstrate your transparency and commitment to ensuring that any issues have been resolved.


Overall, being transparent about code violations is crucial when selling a house with such issues. By providing a clear description of any past or current violations and offering documentation that shows all necessary repairs have been made, you can demonstrate your commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of potential buyers. This will not only help you avoid legal problems down the line but also build trust with potential buyers and ultimately increase your chances of successfully selling your property.

Step 4: Price Your House Appropriately

Selling a house with code violations can be challenging, but determining the right price for your property is crucial to attracting potential buyers. To set a realistic price, you must consider the market value and condition of the property after repairs. Before setting a price, conduct thorough research on similar properties in your area that do not have any code violations and are in good condition.

This will help you understand how much buyers are willing to pay for properties like yours. Remember that appraisals typically do not take into account code violations or necessary repairs.

If you are unsure how much to ask for your home, consider hiring an experienced real estate agent who can provide a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help determine a fair market price. They will analyze recent sales of homes similar to yours in size, location, and condition.

It’s important to remember that buyers may be apprehensive when considering buying a home with code violations, which may affect the property’s value. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the cost of repairs when pricing your home accordingly.

Consider offering incentives such as paying for closing costs or providing a home warranty

Offering incentives can help attract potential buyers who may be hesitant due to code violations. One incentive could be covering some or all of the buyer’s closing costs, which can make purchasing your home more affordable and appealing.

Another incentive that may entice buyers is offering a home warranty. This can provide peace of mind for both the buyer and seller if something unexpected happens shortly after closing.

It’s also important to disclose any incentives offered upfront in your listing description and during negotiations with potential buyers so they fully understand what is being offered. However, it’s crucial not to overdo it on incentives as this could signal desperation or suggest that there are underlying issues with the property beyond just code violations.

Pricing your house appropriately is about finding a balance between market value, the estimated cost of repairs, and offering incentives that make the property more attractive to potential buyers. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your home sells quickly and for a fair price.

Step 5: Market Your Home Effectively

Use Professional Photos to Showcase Your Home

When it comes to selling your home, the photos you choose to display are crucial. In today’s digital age, most potential buyers view properties online before ever stepping foot inside. Therefore, photos that showcase your home in the best light possible are key.

Consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in real estate photography. They will be able to capture the unique features of your home in a way that makes potential buyers want to schedule a showing.

Virtual Tours Give Buyers a Better Look at Your Home

In addition to professional photographs, virtual tours are becoming increasingly popular among buyers and sellers alike. Virtual tours offer potential buyers the opportunity to “walk through” your home without ever leaving their own living room. This is especially helpful for out-of-town buyers or those with busy schedules who may not have time for an in-person showing.

Showcase Your Home’s Unique Features

Every home has its own unique features that make it stand out from others on the market. Highlight these features in your marketing efforts by showcasing them through both photos and written descriptions.

Perhaps you have a beautiful backyard oasis or a cozy fireplace perfect for chilly Colorado nights. Whatever it may be, make sure to include it front and center in all advertising materials.

Consider Staging Your Home

Staging refers to setting up furniture and decor in a way that makes your home look its best while still allowing potential buyers to envision themselves living there. Consider hiring a professional stager who can help highlight your home’s best features and create an inviting atmosphere for potential buyers.


Selling a house with code violations can seem like an overwhelming task, but by following these steps, you can successfully navigate the process and sell your home for a fair price. Remember to take the time to properly address any code violations and be transparent about them in your listing. When it comes to marketing your home, utilize professional photos and virtual tours to showcase its unique features.

And finally, don’t forget the power of staging to create an inviting atmosphere for potential buyers. By following these tips and working with experienced professionals along the way, you can sell your Colorado home with confidence.


Entrepreneur, online marketer, real estate investor, and owner of the Sell Your House To Tactical Investing Inc. franchise

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