5 Ways the Foreclosure of Your Colorado Springs House Will Impact You in the Future

The wheels that drive foreclosures turn very slowly, and there is ample opportunity to steer the ship in a new direction and salvage your future. Sadly, foreclosure is entirely avoidable, yet lives are often damaged for years because homeowners didn’t understand the consequences and took no action to prevent the process.  Whatever circumstances change to … Continued

5 Things You Can do to Keep Good Tenants in Colorado Springs

Please don’t go! With happier tenants overall, your turnover rates will be lower than the average in Colorado Springs, and your income will be steady and reliable, making you a happy landlord. And once you have gone through the trouble of a thorough screening process and have located exceptional tenants, you simply will not want … Continued

How to Know if You Should Sell Your House in Colorado Springs or Refinance

Many factors come into play when homeowners determine the best course of action to take with such a significant financial transaction as selling or refinancing your home. The decisions you make today will have a substantial impact on your overall financial health in the future, so take the time to consider all the particulars of … Continued

5 Do’s and Don’t of Buying Investment Property in Colorado Springs

Investing wisely in real estate creates tremendous wealth and passive income through long-term cash flow. In addition, investing done right allows you to maintain control of how you live your life. Savvy real estate investing will enable you to spend your time as you wish while looking forward to enjoying your golden years. It takes … Continued

Hoaxes and Scams Colorado Springs Home Buyers and Sellers Should Be Aware Of

Regrettably, the world is full of would-be scammers who look for any opportunity to make a quick buck at the expense of vulnerable consumers. The buying and selling process of real estate is no different. The main difference is the significant financial loss that the victims incur, considering the substantial size of a real estate … Continued

3 Great Ways to Invest Your Money in Colorado Springs

Instead of having to work for every penny of income in the future, investing money is much like planting seeds; given time, with careful planning and a bit of attention, they will multiply and bloom into financial independence and the freedom to do as you wish in your retirement. Therefore, investing should become habitual at … Continued
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